Monday, September 24, 2007

Well Hello Mrs McFrillyknickers

Yes, I am a mossie no longer. As you may or may not have guessed, the working title of this blog alludes to the fact that I am a newlywed – well, if you still count as a newlywed when you have been married for 6 months, which I have… as of Today! I haven’t quite given up my maiden name yet, remain the same in work so as not to confuse the poor customers and colleagues, but have decided that it is time to get the ball rolling as far as changing the name outside the workplace is concerned. I have sent off for the form to renew my drivers licence. Have phoned the bank to see what the usual procedure is in relation to changing the name on my accounts and all that lark. Am going to leave the passport be however, seeing as I just renewed it for another 10 years not so long ago and to be honest, cant really afford to fork out more money to the passport office right now. I suppose some of you (if anyone is actually reading this) are wondering why I’m not doing the “modern” thing and leaving my name as it is. In all honesty, I’m not too sure either. All I know is that, for me, it feels like the right thing to do. I know that my husband would prefer us to have the same surname, but he wouldn’t object if I decided to retain my maiden name either. I guess there is an element of thinking that when (if) we have kids that we, as a family, will all share the same surname. It does help that my new surname kinda reminds me of my old one and therefore to my ears has quite a nice ring to it. However, if the new surname was, oh I don’t know, “McFrillyknickers” or something, I would most likely leave well enough alone!